Wednesday, November 24, 2010

White Elephant

Just came across this issue on rocky's bru here.

Finally I am getting some answers to my wonderings here

I have stayed at my present location since 2003. 13 km away from the nearest town and I couldn't get landline telephone. 

Enquiries at the TELEKOM office yielded one answer - no line

Offered me CDMA. I took it and subcribed to internet. 

Fixed line wireless dial-up which afforded a connection at a speed of about 20 kbps 

Sometimes my internet bill ran up to RM700-RM800/month.

Couldn't afford it. Terminated CDMA after about 3 years subscription. 

I was "lucky" because Maxis build their tower about 5 km away.

Right away got myself a Samsung SGH-E590 [that was 2007] and subscribed to Maxis wireless broadband RM99/month unlimited access.

The phone gives me 486 kbps. 13 km away my friends enjoy 3G internet connection at less than half the price I am paying.

My niece received one of the MCMC'c RM1 billion netbook schema.

A pity really. She had to register with a Community Broaband Center to get the netbook running. Charged RM5. [Hmmm ... 1 million netbook x RM5 is a lot of RM]

Compulsory to pay RM20.00/month for 2 years to entahapakenama company. for internet connection.

Wonder beyond yonder! 

Where she is staying [which is 13 km from the nearest town] has NO basic telephony. No broadband no WiFi.

How can she get connected to the internet?

Her father bought a prepaid Digi wireless modem. Buy a RM5 credit and she can log on to her FB.

What the ***k is the RM20/month being paid to entahapakenama company?

Maybe someone should lodge a police report about this ...

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