[07/11/10 - Cik Nah, I lost my train of thought and have wrapped up this posting. Thanks for dropping by]
[27/10/10 - Alamak Cik Nah, tak siap jugak. Kena sambung besok lak kalu mood mai]
Mulanya malas nak peduli pasal PAU.
Frust sangat dengan bajet 2011. Apa yang Syed Akbar Ali tulis di sini memang masuk akal. Pengulas kedua posting itu menggelar bajet ni Harakiri politik.
Blogger dinturtle ajak kawan dia ngamuk beradab [di sini] sepanjang PAU.
Update 02/11/10. Ada pulak posting yang mempertahankan Menara Warisan ni [di sini] dan posting di blog anak muda penuntut UIA ni pun menarik juga [di sini] terutamanya komen komen dari rakan rakan nya.
Den rasa nak 'teriak' mengenangkan nasib anak cucu den lepas ni.
Dah 50 tahun den hidup. Lahir di Kelantan tahun 1960. Susahnya hidup den masa bebudak. Ayah den jual ikan kat pasar di pekan kecil Pulai Chondong untuk menyara den lima beradik. Makan bercatu. Selalu rasa lapar. Togok air kosong antara dua keping biskut tawar [kecik dan keras - sekarang dah tak de biskut ni] cicah teh O untuk sarapan dengan sesenduk nasi berlaukkan seekor ikan kembung kecil dibahagi antara 5 beradik. Pergi sekolah jalan kaki je sebab dekat. Tak pernah bawak duit. Bekal pun tak sebab memang tak de makanan. Waktu rehat tak de lah beratur kat kantin. Nak main pun tak de mood sebab perut berkeroncong. Kekadang ada kawan bagi 'sedut' aiskrim Malaysia. Nikmat nya.
Umur 11 tahun pindah ke Pahang. Ayah den kerja kat kilang kelapa sawit pikul kayu getah hantar ke dandang untuk masak kelapa sawit dalam 'cages'. Gaji lapan ringgit sehari. Tolak EPF dan SOCSO [kerja kompeni orang putih everything is in order] tinggal dalam RM200 untuk menyara kami 6 beradik [den 7 beradik semua sekali. Sorang adik perempuan diambil pelihara oleh tok saudara masa Ma sakit kena operate waktu den umur 9 tahun. Dua orang adik lahir selepas pindah ke Pahang]. Berek semi-D 2-bilik, api elektrik dan air paip tidak dirawat disediakan majikan.
Susah hidup kat estet ni lain macam dari susah hidup di kampung. Masa duduk di kampung, pendapatan Baba tidak menentu. Susah nak makan sebab tak de duit nak beli. Duduk di estet pulak, Baba dibayar 2 kali sebulan ... minggu ketiga dapat 'pinjam' lebih kurang 1/3 pendapatan dan akhir minggu pertama bulan berikutnya dapat 'gaji'.
Sudahlah susah sebab duit sikit, benda yang nak dibeli pula susah nak dapat. Teringat makan nasi berkuahkan kacang hijau yang direbus dengan serbuk kari berlaukkan ikan kering bakar. Itupun masak pakai kayu yang dikutip dari kebun getah berdekatan. Kalau tak sekolah, hari hari makan lempeng cicah gula berselang seli roti kering cicah teh O
Di kampung, sekolah dekat, kedai dekat, sedara mara ramai, jiran tetangga berlaga atap bertemu tangga.
Estet ni dalam hutan tempat jin bertendang. Kena menapak 3 km jalan tanah merah baru jumpa jalan raya. Sekali sekala lori tangki lalu, kenyang makan habuk. Lepas tu saling gelak tengok muka orang sebelah dah jadi macam tepung gomak. Paling lucu bulu mata jadi putih dan berat.
Kat estet tu tak de budak yang sebaya den pergi sekolah. Diaorang balik bersekolah di kampung. Sekolah paling dekat 6 km jaraknya dari estet. No public tranport. I trudged the distance to and from school with my elder brother. Selalu lewat sampai sekolah tapi cikgu tak pernah marah. Mungkin itu satu sebab den tak pernah segan nak ke sekolah. Kalau cikgu ikut peraturan dan mengambil tindakan setiap kali den lewat, kemungkinan besar den tak pergi sekolah dah. Terima kasih cikgu.
Kenkadang den pergi sekolah tumpang bas estet. Tapi kena kejar bas tu yang 'tidur' di kilang kelapa sawit tempat Baba kerja. Bas mula bergerak dari garaj jam 2.00 pagi. Den tidur awal dan bangun awal untuk naik bas. Zaman tu harga jam agak mahal bukan seperti sekarang sepuluh ringgit dah dapat jam dinding, dua puluh ringgit dapat jam tangan memacam pesen.
Kami terlalu miskin untuk ada lampu picit. Harga dan jangka hayat bateri di luar capaian pendapatan Baba. Dari rumah nak naik bas estet tu, kena panjat jalan bukit kira kira 300 meter. Lorong kecil di celah pokok kelapa sawit dengan semak samun di kiri kanan. Selalu terserempak ular tedung [memang dibiak kat estet untuk makan tikus yang merosakkan tuaian]. Den ngan Abang Long bawak pelita minyak tanah, panjat bukit kecil untuk tunggu bas kat jalan tanah merah jam 2.00 pagi. Naik bas sambung tidur sementara bas berpusing pusing mengambil pekerja di kawasan sekitar. Bas sampai kat sekolah jam 5.00 pagi. Pagar sekolah belum buka lagi. Den dan Abang Long serta tiga empat orang lagi rakan dari kampung berdekatan yang turut sama menumpang bas untuk ke sekolah menyusup bawah pagar ikut longkang untuk masuk kawasan sekolah. Bentang kain batik yang dibawa khas dan sambung tidur di koridor [kelas dikunci]. Jam 7.00 pagi jaga datang buka pintu pagar dan kelas. Kami bangun basuh muka dengan air bekalan sebab kat tandas memang tak ada air.
Begitu kitaran hidup den. Selalu juga tak ke sekolah sebab demam malaria. Teruk demam malaria ni. Mulanya badan menggigil kesejukan yang amat sangat hingga ke tulang hitam. Berlapis lapis selimut dan baju tebal pun tak berkesan. Lepas beberapa jam menggigil, badan jadi panas menyala nyala pulak. Rasa nak tanggal semua pakaian tapi tahu ajalah orang dedulu, kalau demam mesti berselimut supaya berpeluh dan cepat kebah. Jangan mimpi nak mandi lah. Kenkadang seminggu terus demam nya, kenkadang selang sehari. Naib baiknya pihak estet sediakan HA yang bagi kuinin. Pahit giler!
Update 22/10/10. Malaria mosquitoes are evolving into new species [read here]
Demam malaria menyebabkan limpa jadi bengkak dan perut kita jadi buncit. Keadaan tu kekal hingga kini [trying to explain my nine-month-pregnant stomach size - that is the swollen spleen plus kilograms of fat ... hehehe].
Tujuan den citer ni ialah untuk bandingkan keadaan den seorang ANAK JATI bumi ni yang memang tak de 'negeri' lain nak balik dah dengan anak anak buruh asing yang dah jadi warganegara tapi masih mengekalkan sekolah vernacular mereka sebab kononnya mereka nak balik 'negeri'; yang tinggal di bandar bandar dengan segala kemudahan: yang hari ini melalak lalak minta meritokrasi tapi jika kena posting ke kawasan pendalaman, sejuta enam alasan mereka. Sikap ultra kiasu mereka, satu dunia pun dah tahu. Hidup mereka hanya untuk makan. Rumah mereka tiada tingkap. Pesanan nenek moyang mereka ialah jika negara ini tidak cukup bagus, dapatkan pendidikan dan berhijrah ke tempat lain. Cari duit banyak banyak, makan kenyang kenyang. Bila ada malapetaka atau perang ... berduyun duyun mereka tinggalkan tempat ini. Cari tempat lain.
Bukan den nak menabur bibit rasis. Sekadar meluahkan perasaan yang amat tertekan dengan apa yang sedang berlaku. Den ada merapu kat sini dan sini tahun 2008. Lihat betapa tanggapan kaum Cina pada orang Melayu ...
“awak ingat sangat senang maa .. mahu cali luit? Kita olang Cina oo bukan selupa Melayu. Cina olang mau kelija pun susah. Lagi mau cali wang bayat itu lumah lagi … Melayu suma apa pun flee oo. Tak mau kelija pun tak apa … kelajaan kasi duit maa. . Melayu aa … belanak pun kelajaan kasi duit oo … betut bukan?”
“Uiks! Melayu mana beranak dapat duit?”
“tu .. kelija ofis punye … “
“Lagi aa … melayu mau meniaga pun senang ... kelajaan kasi luit …mau pinjam luit bank pun senang … tak payah cali gelento oo … tak baya pun tak ape … kelajaan kasi luit lagi …”
“Bukannn … olang cina maa … mau cali luit sendili… lagi sekolah pun sudah mau cali sendili … olang cina cali luit mahu kasi makan itu lumah, melayu cali luit sendili mau pakai saja … mau cali kelija pun tak susah … cina aa … sume pun mau cali sendili … bank pun tak mau kasi pinjam … ”
Hebat sungguh propaganda yang ditanam dalam benak kaum Cina yang dilahirkan di Malaysia ni. Siapa yang menanam propaganda begini?
Kalau benar kerajaan Malaysia kasi duit buta buta pada orang Melayu, adakah den perlu bersusah payah untuk pergi sekolah dengan perut kosong turun dari rumah jam 2.00 pagi bersuluhkan pelita ayan naik bukit tunggu bas estet yang pusing keliling dua buah kampung pun belum jijak waktu subuh, tidur atas simen koridor sekolah sementara menunggu matahari terbit, sarapan dengan nasi sejuk berlaukkan ikan kering bakar sedangkan Cina yang lahir di Malaysia ni tinggal di bandar dengan api elektrik, air paip, klinik, sekolah, kedai gunting rambut semuanya mudah. Susah mereka ialah bila tak dapat makan KFC minum coca-cola, tak dapat pergi tuisyen, tak dapat belajar piano, tak dapat belajar berenang. Susah bagi mereka bila tak dapat memandu Mercedes atau paling kurang Camry.
Kalau lah den tak dapat pergi ke Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah [SEMSAS] pada tahun 1973 tu, yang kerajaan bina untuk membantu anak anak orang kampung macam den yang berhempas pulas untuk ke sekolah, rasanya masa den umur 12 tahun, den dah kawin sebab ada orang masuk minang. Baba suruh den berhenti sekolah sebab dia kata tak mampu.
Apa pilihan yang den ada?
Den dapat masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh dengan keputusan 3A 2B. Ramai rakan satu 'batch' yang dapat 5A terutamanya mereka yang bersekolah di bandar dan ibu bapa mereka berpelajaran. Omak den tak sekolah, baba den sekolah takat boleh membaca dan menulis sahaja.
Bayangkan kalau tiada sebarang dasar afirmatif, pastinya den tak merasa belajar di SEMSAS. Dan satu lagi yang pasti ialah SEMSAS dan yang sewaktu dengan nya tentu dipenuhi mereka yang dapat 5A dalam peperiksaan Penilaian darjah 5 [setara dengan UPSR kini]. Den dan rakan rakan senasib yang usahkan kelas tuisyen dan vitamin tambahan; soru pun kekadang miss, peparu lemas dengan habuk jalan tanah merah, perut buncit kerana kurang protin dan parasit bawaan vektor yang bersarang: kami anak bumi ini yang sampai hari ini masih bertungkus lumus mengais pagi petang hanya mampu berputih mata meneguk air liur melihat mereka yang mengaku rakyat negara ini tapi masih tak boleh berbahasa kebangsaan melahap meratah segala hasil pembangunan dengan mendabik dada mengaku semua itu adalah hasil keringat mereka membayar cukai pendapatan.
Kedua dua anak den bersekolah di luar bandar dapat 5A dalam UPSR tapi tak berpeluang ke sekolah berasrama penuh. Tak dapat biasiswa walaupun kedua duanya skor 9A dalam PMR. Usahkan biasiswa, pinjaman buku teks pun tak dapat. PTPTN dapat separuh aja.
Pastinya bukan den sorang dari 60% Melayu dan Bumiputera rakyat negara ini yang mengalami keadaan begini.
Dah hampir 8 tahun den pindah ke Kampung Kool ni. Hingga saat ni den masih menunggu talian telefon tetap. Pernah den guna CDMA yang dibekalkan TM tapi tak larat den bayar bil dial up internet yang mencecah RM800 sebulan dengan capaian ngalahkan siput. Nasib baik Maxis pasang menara dia 4 km dari kampung Kool. Dapatlah tumpang jalur lebar Maxis tapi almaklum sajalah ... capaian tanpa wayar GPRS saja. Deme yang duduk kat bandar dapat 3G, den dalam bukit nih kena pusing keliling rumah untuk cari signal GPRS Maxis. Main Farmville pun bangkrap sebab tanaman tak dapat dituai kerana jalur lebar sering tersumbat.
Den hanya mampu menadah tangan memohon pada Ilahi agar anak cucu den dapat merasa nikmat kemajuan negara tercinta ini. Amin ya Rabbal 'alamin.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Time for Kit Kat
Berasap kepala mencari rasional kenapa kerajaan tak mampu bayar bonus tapi nak buat satu lagi mercu tanda. Betul ke apa yang ditulis di Utusan Malaysia [sini]?
Came across this hilarious posting here which helps cool down my kepala berasap.
"KaBel In My Mind"
Pertama kali saya terbaca perkataan "jholowed" ini adalah di SINI.
Berasap kepala mencari rasional kenapa kerajaan tak mampu bayar bonus tapi nak buat satu lagi mercu tanda. Betul ke apa yang ditulis di Utusan Malaysia [sini]?
Came across this hilarious posting here which helps cool down my kepala berasap.
"KaBel In My Mind"
Pertama kali saya terbaca perkataan "jholowed" ini adalah di SINI.
"Maybe some people Jholowed them to him"
Jadi saya rasa enuf lah evidence yang Dato Sak adalah pereka-cipta pertama perkataan ini.Saya tak "gheti" sangat pasal bajet, tapi saya berminat pasal Bahasa.
Saya ingin cuba nak cari definisi perkataan yang direka-cipta oleh Dato Sak ini. Yang ini okay tak kalau nak bayangkan definisinya?:-
Ada buah di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
Ada bisnes hendak dikejar,
Cari kabel tolong "jholowed"kan.
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
Ada bisnes hendak dikejar,
Cari kabel tolong "jholowed"kan.
![]() |
(http://maydayprod.multiply.com/photos/album/7/Ka_Bel_) |
KOW TIM !!!!
kow! kow! punya..!!
Nota kaki - Buku Kamus bukan doktor punya :-
- Antibody - against everyone who is sane (Insane Opposition)
- Artery - The study of the paintings. (Rais Yatim)
- Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria. (Anwar is looking for karipap)
- Caesarean section - a district in Rome.(discovered by a Lost Pendatang, when looking for the meaning of jus soli)
- Cardiology - advance study of poker playing.(when Sport Betting fails)
- Cat scan - searching for lost kitty. (Pemuda UMNO)
- Chronic - neck of a crow. (UMNO)
- Coma - punctuation mark.(PKR - PiKir arrR! sebelum buang undi tu !!)
- Cortisone - area around local court.(Where nameweenever comes around)
- Cyst - short for sister. (Wee Ka Siong)
- Diagnosis - person with slanted nose. (Lim Guan Eng)
- Dislocation - in this place.(What and Where A Pendatang Never Get To Understand)
- Duodenum - couple in blue jeans.(Anwar and who??)
- Enema - not a friend.(Malaysiakini and Today's Bar Council)
- Fake labour - pretending to work.(Gwo Burne & Lebai PAS)
- Genes - blue denim.(already "haram"ed by PAS but ignored by "erdogan" Jins - re: "couple in blue jeans" above)
- Hernia - she is close by.(When Eli Wong joins forces with Teresa Kok, angin pasang, angin atau dia yang sudah naik)
- Impotent - distinguished / well known (Chua Soi Lek).
- Labour pain - hurt at work.(Selangor's MB)
- Lactose - people without toes.(MCA under Soi Lek)
- Lymph - walk unsteadily.(Gerakan & Koh Tsu Koon are having difficulty to move, susah nak berGerak kan?)
- Microbes - small dressing gown.(When DAP brewing it with MCA & Gerakan)
- Obesity - city of Obe. (Again.. by Another Lost Pendatang)
- Pacemaker - winner of Nobel peace prize.(Chin Peng depends on it to continue his citizenship's plea)
- Proteins - in favour of teens.(Not, repeat!, NOTAnwar)
- Pulse - grain.(ain't no more in Samy)
- Pus - small cat.(Nazri), or a wrong spell for PAS
- Red blood count - Dracula.(Saman Ekor)
- Secretion - hiding anything.(Kapal Sinks in Court's Lewat Cases - "lewat" due to too many "kapal tunda")
- Tablet - small table.(BN's coalition)
- Ultrasound - radical noise.(Ultra Kiasu when making demands)
- Urine - opposite of you're out.(Najib's position)
- Varicose - very close.(PRU)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Multiculturalism - Utter Failure
After 53 years, our attempts at becoming a melting pot of multiculturalism seems to be hitting a wall.
All the hard works at developing this beloved nation seems to have gone to waste.
I am feeling so desperately hopeless.
Feels like I am losing this motherland to the Malaysian Chinese.
Read this today.
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel declares German multi-cultural society has failed. Her declaration is feeding a growing debate over how to deal with millions of foreigners who call Germany home.
Speaking to a gathering of young members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, Ms Merkel said
"At the beginning of the 1960s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country," said Ms. Merkel at the event in Potsdam, near Berlin. "We kidded ourselves a while. We said: 'They won't stay, [after some time] they will be gone,' but this isn't reality. And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side by side and to enjoy each other ... has failed, utterly failed."
Note that the Germans have the luxury of "calling" the foreign workers to German to help develop the country.
We didn't have such choice.
Those colonialist masters brought foreign workers from China and India to help them PLUNDER the wealth of this country to take back to England. Like the Germans who said that the foreign worker wouldn't stay, the colonialist masters apparently had the same thought too. Hence the vernacular schools.
The difference is, the foreign workers in German who made the country 'more stupid' are poorly educated and unproductive Muslims with headscarves whereas the foreign workers in Malaysia are educated and rich and without their taxes, Malaysia would not have developed to where it is now.
satD dwelt deeper into this issue here
All the hard works at developing this beloved nation seems to have gone to waste.
I am feeling so desperately hopeless.
Feels like I am losing this motherland to the Malaysian Chinese.
Read this today.
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel declares German multi-cultural society has failed. Her declaration is feeding a growing debate over how to deal with millions of foreigners who call Germany home.
Speaking to a gathering of young members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, Ms Merkel said
"At the beginning of the 1960s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country," said Ms. Merkel at the event in Potsdam, near Berlin. "We kidded ourselves a while. We said: 'They won't stay, [after some time] they will be gone,' but this isn't reality. And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side by side and to enjoy each other ... has failed, utterly failed."
Note that the Germans have the luxury of "calling" the foreign workers to German to help develop the country.
We didn't have such choice.
Those colonialist masters brought foreign workers from China and India to help them PLUNDER the wealth of this country to take back to England. Like the Germans who said that the foreign worker wouldn't stay, the colonialist masters apparently had the same thought too. Hence the vernacular schools.
The difference is, the foreign workers in German who made the country 'more stupid' are poorly educated and unproductive Muslims with headscarves whereas the foreign workers in Malaysia are educated and rich and without their taxes, Malaysia would not have developed to where it is now.
satD dwelt deeper into this issue here
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Citizen?? (3)
Well, what do you know. My observation is validated... by no less than Sin Chew's editor. Came across it first on Marahku then on Kata Kama
I made the above conclusion from my own experiences.
For instance, after I wrote A Nobel prize China is not proud of, I received plenty of e-mails and faxes from the readers. They lashed out at Liu Xiabo as a criminal, and said I was anti-China. As if that was not enough, they even didn't spare Norway and Western "imperialism."
A reader wrote in: This article goes particularly well with Mr Tay's pro-Western democracy stance, ... human rights, democracy, freedom etc advocated by the West... He is not able to liberate himself from the confines of all these, and has been writing things that do not make sense yet still excessively conceited. I think he needs a brain swap."
What a lovely reader, with a string of well conceived adjectives!
I think it is good that some readers would seriously and diligently defend what they believe, or imagine.
But why do they always separate things into Oriental and Western when it comes to issues about China? China is unique in its own ways and does not need to emulate the West.
And when it comes to issues about Malaysia, they will invariably base their arguments on Western standards and specifications. Anything that deviates from Western values are unacceptable.
It appears to me that only China deserves to have its own ways, not Malaysia or any other nation on Earth.
Take for example, to China, human rights, democracy and freedom are all things belonging to the West, which are not only unsuitable for China, but are potentially detrimental.
But when it comes to Malaysia, human rights, democracy and freedom are all cherished as acceptable and essential, as these attributes have been successfully proven in the West.
Confucius said this was "own wish": a person can hold double standards towards the same thing. It is called hypocrisy in the West: You think you have your own set of values but in actual fact you don't, as you decide based on nothing but you personal liking.
As Liu Xiabo is a convict, he does not deserve the Peace Prize, but how about Alexander Solzhenitsyn during the Soviet era, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in prison and was lauded by the world as the Conscience of Russia?
Liu Xiaobo's Charter 08 was said to jeopardise stability in China, but the Charter 77 of Czech Peace Laureate Václav Havel, who was later elected the Czech president, was hailed as the Voice of Civilisation.
Right, those people only have one standard answer: China needs "stability."
Why is it that only China needs stability? Don't Malaysia or the United States need that same stability too?
In the name of "stability," anything ranging from autocracy, corruption, persecution, human rights violation, income gap, etc. will become rationalised, acceptable and tolerable.
Perhaps these people should team up to form an alliance and openly call for single-party politics in Malaysia by abolishing the electoral system, suppressing freedom of speech and advocating unlawful detention, all in the name of "stability."
Sin Chew Daily
Sin Chew: Many Chinese here more loyal to China than Malaysia
Translated by DOMINIC LOH
Translated by DOMINIC LOH
Chinese Malaysians are funny.
If you criticise the Malaysian government, everyone will be elated, saying that you are right, just and courageous.
But if you criticise the Chinese government, you will be slammed as wrongful, ignorant and jeopardising.
I made the above conclusion from my own experiences.
For instance, after I wrote A Nobel prize China is not proud of, I received plenty of e-mails and faxes from the readers. They lashed out at Liu Xiabo as a criminal, and said I was anti-China. As if that was not enough, they even didn't spare Norway and Western "imperialism."
A reader wrote in: This article goes particularly well with Mr Tay's pro-Western democracy stance, ... human rights, democracy, freedom etc advocated by the West... He is not able to liberate himself from the confines of all these, and has been writing things that do not make sense yet still excessively conceited. I think he needs a brain swap."
What a lovely reader, with a string of well conceived adjectives!
I think it is good that some readers would seriously and diligently defend what they believe, or imagine.
But why do they always separate things into Oriental and Western when it comes to issues about China? China is unique in its own ways and does not need to emulate the West.
And when it comes to issues about Malaysia, they will invariably base their arguments on Western standards and specifications. Anything that deviates from Western values are unacceptable.
It appears to me that only China deserves to have its own ways, not Malaysia or any other nation on Earth.
Take for example, to China, human rights, democracy and freedom are all things belonging to the West, which are not only unsuitable for China, but are potentially detrimental.
But when it comes to Malaysia, human rights, democracy and freedom are all cherished as acceptable and essential, as these attributes have been successfully proven in the West.
Confucius said this was "own wish": a person can hold double standards towards the same thing. It is called hypocrisy in the West: You think you have your own set of values but in actual fact you don't, as you decide based on nothing but you personal liking.
As Liu Xiabo is a convict, he does not deserve the Peace Prize, but how about Alexander Solzhenitsyn during the Soviet era, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in prison and was lauded by the world as the Conscience of Russia?
Liu Xiaobo's Charter 08 was said to jeopardise stability in China, but the Charter 77 of Czech Peace Laureate Václav Havel, who was later elected the Czech president, was hailed as the Voice of Civilisation.
Right, those people only have one standard answer: China needs "stability."
Why is it that only China needs stability? Don't Malaysia or the United States need that same stability too?
In the name of "stability," anything ranging from autocracy, corruption, persecution, human rights violation, income gap, etc. will become rationalised, acceptable and tolerable.
Perhaps these people should team up to form an alliance and openly call for single-party politics in Malaysia by abolishing the electoral system, suppressing freedom of speech and advocating unlawful detention, all in the name of "stability."
Sin Chew Daily
MySinchew 2010.10.14
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Is It Valid?
A lawyer and three farm hands were charged in court today for the murder of Sosilawati and three others.
Read here
Stated in the news that
"The charges against Pathmanabhan were read in Bahasa Malaysia while the charges against the rest were read in Tamil."
I am wondering what is happening.
I am so bad with numbers I don't remember which Article but I do know that it is enshrined in our Constitution that Bahasa Melayu is THE national language ... bahasa RASMI.
Is it valid then to have the charge read in Tamil?
Looking at how DSN treated vernacular schools, and now this reading of a charge in a Malaysian Court in Tamil, has the Constitution been changed?
Bukan main lantang calling for a stop on PENDATANG issue
We need to put in more effort to improve our race relations and one way is to put a stop to this “pendatang” issue [full news here]
Put a stop to pendatang issue my foot!
Who started the issue?
Who played the racial card in the first place?
After 53 years of being Malaysian, why are they still Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian?
More importantly WHY are they Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian in the very first place??
In America, there are African American or Korean American ... American refers to their citizenship whereby African and Korean are adjectives used to show that they are descendants of families that originally came from those countries.
Doesn't Malaysian Chinese refers to CITIZEN of CHINA of Malaysian ancestors and Malaysian Indian refers to CITIZEN of INDIA?
Anyway, a citizen will SPEAK the TONGUE of the motherland. By deduction , vernacular school is for PENDATANG, isn't?
Charge should be read in official language. THEN, it is TRANSLATED for the benefit of the charged. Isn't?
Why does the court read the charge above in TAMIL?
Or is this a SPIN by the mainstream media? If so , the newspaper could be charged for sedition, couldn't it?
If it is not, is the charge being read in Tamil in a Malaysian court is valid?
Read here
Stated in the news that
"The charges against Pathmanabhan were read in Bahasa Malaysia while the charges against the rest were read in Tamil."
I am wondering what is happening.
I am so bad with numbers I don't remember which Article but I do know that it is enshrined in our Constitution that Bahasa Melayu is THE national language ... bahasa RASMI.
Is it valid then to have the charge read in Tamil?
Looking at how DSN treated vernacular schools, and now this reading of a charge in a Malaysian Court in Tamil, has the Constitution been changed?
Bukan main lantang calling for a stop on PENDATANG issue
We need to put in more effort to improve our race relations and one way is to put a stop to this “pendatang” issue [full news here]
Put a stop to pendatang issue my foot!
Who started the issue?
Who played the racial card in the first place?
After 53 years of being Malaysian, why are they still Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian?
More importantly WHY are they Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Indian in the very first place??
In America, there are African American or Korean American ... American refers to their citizenship whereby African and Korean are adjectives used to show that they are descendants of families that originally came from those countries.
Doesn't Malaysian Chinese refers to CITIZEN of CHINA of Malaysian ancestors and Malaysian Indian refers to CITIZEN of INDIA?
Anyway, a citizen will SPEAK the TONGUE of the motherland. By deduction , vernacular school is for PENDATANG, isn't?
Charge should be read in official language. THEN, it is TRANSLATED for the benefit of the charged. Isn't?
Why does the court read the charge above in TAMIL?
Or is this a SPIN by the mainstream media? If so , the newspaper could be charged for sedition, couldn't it?
If it is not, is the charge being read in Tamil in a Malaysian court is valid?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Isn't it ironic?
PAS demanded authorities to cancel Adam Lambert' concert scheduled for Thursday.
Read here for full news.
I find it very ironic.
When PAS formed alliance with Anuar Ibrahim led PKR, the message conveyed to the mass was sexual preference is private. Whether the court will find AI guilty or not of the second sodomy charge, he was acquitted on the first charge because of some technicalities NOT because it was proven beyond doubt that it did not happen. With AI dodging the second charge with delay tactic, personally, I couldn't help but think that if one is not guilty, then get it done and over with.
The alliance is all about getting AI to Putrajaya, to be THE Prime Minister.
So what is this about Adam Lambert promoting gay culture? Isn't it already here?
If our people is liberated enough to want a change from BN to PR, aren't they matured enough to handle Adam Lambert?
Read here for full news.
I find it very ironic.
When PAS formed alliance with Anuar Ibrahim led PKR, the message conveyed to the mass was sexual preference is private. Whether the court will find AI guilty or not of the second sodomy charge, he was acquitted on the first charge because of some technicalities NOT because it was proven beyond doubt that it did not happen. With AI dodging the second charge with delay tactic, personally, I couldn't help but think that if one is not guilty, then get it done and over with.
The alliance is all about getting AI to Putrajaya, to be THE Prime Minister.
So what is this about Adam Lambert promoting gay culture? Isn't it already here?
If our people is liberated enough to want a change from BN to PR, aren't they matured enough to handle Adam Lambert?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Citizen?? (2)
I am lost for words.
The MCA president in his speech pointed out that the younger generation wanted to be treated as equal citizens and “do not expect to have to be grateful because their parents were granted citizenship”.
The MCA president in his speech pointed out that the younger generation wanted to be treated as equal citizens and “do not expect to have to be grateful because their parents were granted citizenship”.
Read the news in full here
If ever an alien from Mars come to Earth and finds that it likes it here, wouldn't WE the earthlings naturally expect the alien to 'speak' our tongue and go to our school instead of the other way around.
The Chinese and the Indians who made up 40% of the population of this country were first brought here by the British colonialist as labourers. The Chinese to work the tin mines which later evolved into towns and cities. Kuala Lumpur started out as a tin mine town. The Indians were brought in to work on banana and rubber plantations.
The colonialist master allowed the labourers to set up vernacular schools with teachers and curriculum brought in from their mainlands BECAUSE these alien labourers would eventually GO HOME. That was the argument they used to against the British master education policy. A policy which sidelined the Malays in tandem with their split and rule policy. A policy which eventually left the Malays in their kampungs, tending a few chicken, planting rice when there was enough rain, catching fish for the day.
Then came World War II. The British master left when Japanese occupied this land. The Japs had a lot of bones to pick with the chinese. When Hiroshima was turned to dust and the communists threatened to take over, the British masters returned.
And then, the Independance. No blood was shed. The master, instead of sending home the alien labourers who had worked so hard at preserving their cultures and language just so they would not be 'alienated' when they eventually RETURN HOME, insisted that THEY be given JUS SOLI.
After 53 years, THEY stayed on, assumed citizenship and yet never letting go of their mainland. Instead of assimilation, they alienated themselves further from the people of the soil [read here].
Hence, I find this meaningless.
I agree with Pure Shiite on the twisted hypocrisy here
The Chinese and the Indians who made up 40% of the population of this country were first brought here by the British colonialist as labourers. The Chinese to work the tin mines which later evolved into towns and cities. Kuala Lumpur started out as a tin mine town. The Indians were brought in to work on banana and rubber plantations.
The colonialist master allowed the labourers to set up vernacular schools with teachers and curriculum brought in from their mainlands BECAUSE these alien labourers would eventually GO HOME. That was the argument they used to against the British master education policy. A policy which sidelined the Malays in tandem with their split and rule policy. A policy which eventually left the Malays in their kampungs, tending a few chicken, planting rice when there was enough rain, catching fish for the day.
Then came World War II. The British master left when Japanese occupied this land. The Japs had a lot of bones to pick with the chinese. When Hiroshima was turned to dust and the communists threatened to take over, the British masters returned.
And then, the Independance. No blood was shed. The master, instead of sending home the alien labourers who had worked so hard at preserving their cultures and language just so they would not be 'alienated' when they eventually RETURN HOME, insisted that THEY be given JUS SOLI.
After 53 years, THEY stayed on, assumed citizenship and yet never letting go of their mainland. Instead of assimilation, they alienated themselves further from the people of the soil [read here].
Hence, I find this meaningless.
I agree with Pure Shiite on the twisted hypocrisy here
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