It is black and white this year for us [green 2007 and yellow 2008. And the curtain behind is my attempt until 4 am in the wee hours of Syawal. One third finished. But hung it anyway. Will finish it next year's Syawal ... hehehe!The clan. My elder brother and his family of 5 children and 2 grandchildren are missing again this year. He has to work on raya day. Also missing is a widowed younger sister with her 2 girls. This younger sister was trusted into the care of a relative when she was few months old because my mother had to undergo an operation and I was barely 9 years old then. My father turned to a relative to help look after her. The relative 'refused' to return her after some times and with my mother's poor health and my father's unsteady income, things just flowed by and days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years and she grew up hating the fact that she was 'given' away while the rest of us were 'kept'. I guess she never forgave us for that.
So, this year, again I led the procession of forgiveness seeking from the parents. It got easier every year with everyone taking up the cue accordingly. Even the three years old twins.
Baba got emotional when some neighbours in the spirit of Eid, sent 'ang pau' [money filled envelope; adapted from the chinese culture]. He took offence in the good spirit arguing that such deed make him looked so pathetic. The neighbours are females. And just as old as he is. Just as unwell.
Baba has been overly emotional over every damn small things.
I have to keep telling myself and my mum and brothers to let him be. No need to argue with him. Just bear with his 'weird' way unconditionally. A man is a king in his own 'castle'. Treat him with respect.
We managed to end the day with a small bbq. All in all, it was a great Eid celebration for our small family.
hope the nephews and nieces will remember each raya with fond memories.
"Just bear with his 'weird' way unconditionally."
I agree full-heartedly.
thanks for the support mokcikZ
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri :-)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to you too Hanez. Thanks for dropping in.
Salam Cikgu,
Thanks for dropping by at my blogs and leaving comments. I'd been hoping that you would. Now I have a reader he he... been reading your posts for quite some time, not brave enough to leave a trail.
I am from the Malay medium. I went to local universities. I picked up English mostly from reading. That explains the sometimes awkward English of mine. Never mind that, coz if I did I wouldn't even have started the blogs.
I started with reading Datuk Kadir Jasin's blog. It took me almost 10 months before I gathered enough courage to write a comment. Now I can write teasingly, and he never say a word. Ha ha ha. I've been naughty. Sekarang saya dah bertaubat.
Can I display the links to your blogs at my blogs ?
Dear Hanez,
I've been reading yours and trust me ... you are GREAT. You articulate straight from your heart makes all the difference. All your readings have paid off. English is foreign to many of us ..myself included. I too was from the Malay medium and teaching the language for some years helped me a bit ...hehehe .. however I think am too much corrupted by the mechanics. I paid too much attention to cohesion and choice of words to the extent of inhibiting the flow of thought ... need to loosen up a bit.
What a coincidence .. my first ever comment was also on DKJ because he does not moderate comments on his blog. Then I upgraded to Che Det and Demi Negara and few others.
I would be very honoured indeed to have my humble ramblings linked to your blogs. May I have the honour of linking yours to mine?
Come ..let's be 'naughty' here in cyber and share our tots.
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