Monday, February 27, 2012


BBC estimated 2000 people [here]

CBSNEWS estimated 3000 people [here]

MalaysianInsider estimated 8000 people [here]

Malaysiakini reported 15000 people [here]

Utusan reported 5000 people [here]

Berita Harian reported 10000 people [here]

Here is a picture from Facebook uploaded by Malaysiakini

Here is a picture from Facebook uploaded by PDRM

One event.

Perhaps different time.

But then ... it is not that difficult to doctor a digital picture.

We have seen how pictures were played up.

Even comments on both FB differs ... some commentors said ramai some said tak ramai.

I wasn't there!


Kenn said...

dari 2000 hingga 15000 - kalau dalam pengajian matematik / statistik ni, ini sudah di anggap gagal/fail yang ketara - sampai plus minus 7000 hanya untuk event di satu lokasi, masa sekerat hari seperti itu.

Jadi nampak sangatlah ada pihak-pihak yang hanya meniup "hot air".

koolmokcikZ said...

thanks Kenn.

still ..mokcik is finding it very confusing indeed.

1- who is lying
2- reading the comments on both fb walls ... there are firm believers of both sides claiming to be there themselves